A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Progress
An alternative way of viewing progress other than the ‘onwards, always onwards’ approach. Instead of pushing forwards, try moving at the speed of the slowest part of you. Sometimes you have to go back and attend to the part (or parts) of you that’s digging its heels in so you can move forward with greater…
Read MoreThe Common Misconceptions About Power
There’s a lot of hype these days about owning your power. I like it, it’s a good thing. Collectively we are waking up to the fact that we have power and noticing the ways we give and have been giving that power away. I’ve specialised in helping people own their power and live their truth…
Read MorePhases of Learning
today is a good day
Read MoreYour Inherent Feminine Power
Do you know how inherently powerful you are as a woman? I’m not talking about the ‘I am woman, hear me roar’ kind of power, which is a reaction and has it’s place, but our natural, innate and inherent power. At its core, Boss Ass Living is about reclaiming your inherent power as a woman…
Read MoreThe Obstacle Is The Path
Read MoreHow To Find Clarity When You’re Feeling Confused
Most people don’t like to feel confused. It’s foggy, you have to hang out in the unknown, you don’t feel in control, you are unsure of what to do, you feel overwhelmed by problems or by the possibilities available to you. Either way, it’s not fun for most people to feel confused and not know…
Read MoreSelf-Care As A Way Of Being
When we talk about self-care, we usually talk about what we’re going to do. Although acts of self-care are very important, there is a piece before that. Are we being self-caring when we do self-care? An act of self-care if not coming from a place of love could be self-punishment in disguise. I’d love to…
Read MoreWho am I?
It started with a question… If you could do anything in the world and was guaranteed success, what would you do? I was a 25 year old woman with an extremely unfulfilling job in Recruitment. I’d been doing it for a few years and the adrenaline of hitting targets and making good money was really…
Read MoreWhat is a Queen?
*** This post is part of a series of posts that define commonly used terms on this site. Since people often use the same words but mean different things which leads to misunderstanding I decided to be explicit and clear about the meaning of certain important words and terms pertaining to this site. ***…
Read MoreWhat does Boss Ass Living even mean?
*** This post is part of a series of posts that define terms commonly used terms at Boss Ass Living. Since people often use the same words but mean different things leading to misunderstandings, I decided to be explicit and clear about the meaning of certain words and terms related to this site. *** Words…
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