Who am I?

It started with a question… If you could do anything in the world and was guaranteed success, what would you do?  I was a 25 year old woman with an extremely unfulfilling job in Recruitment. I’d been doing it for a few years and the adrenaline of hitting targets and making good money was really…

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What is a Queen?

*** This post is part of a series of posts that define commonly used terms on this site. Since people often use the same words but mean different things which leads to misunderstanding I decided to be explicit and clear about the meaning of certain important words and terms pertaining to this site.   ***…

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What does Boss Ass Living even mean?

*** This post is part of a series of posts that define terms commonly used terms at Boss Ass Living. Since people often use the same words but mean different things leading to misunderstandings,  I decided to be explicit and clear about the meaning of certain words and terms related to this site. *** Words…

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